Our society has its fair share of people with disabilities, those battling chronic diseases and the aged. The number of whom are expected to double by the year 2040. As case managers, we recognise that our systems, in general,needs to be effective to provide proper care for those who need it.It is important therefore, that we learn as much as we can from other countries. In this issue we look at some best practices in the UK.
Effective care for the aged, the disabled and those with long term illnesses, how to achieve a balance between the care aspects and clinical treatments while keeping down costs – these are some of the major issues that confront the public, private and non-profit sectors in the UK. These are similar to the issues we face in Australia, but there are some key principles in the UK care system that we would benefit from. These include: Person-Centred Care As a case manager, we need to ensure that the care we provide is person-centred. The government in Australia has begun pushing for this, but some early adopters like HomeCare Australia have already included this into our practice. It is a best practice in the UK to ensure that care services are not just tailored to the individual haphazardly, but that they are based on what we learn about the person involved. This modern approach to care is governed by values including:Purposeful livingSelf-determinationChoiceDignityRespectIn this approach, we make sure that our client is the priority rather than the disease or task. We make sure that care is done to meet the needs of the client. Care should also be ability-focused Following this form of care, as practiced in the UK, will change the way we care for and manage client’s care. It emphasises the fact that caring for the aged or people with illnesses like dementia should be more focused on the skills that a person can and will acquire and use rather than the skills that have already been lost. It’s a more optimistic way of caring for people and will encourage positive results.
Environmental support

While we take care of our clients, we should not lose sight of one thing that also needs attention: the environment. The personal rooms, social spaces, exterior and interior of the client’s environment should be well regulated and organized in a way that will form part of the care itself. These are the UK care industry best practices being used each and every day to ensure that the well-being of affected parties, their emotional, physical, and financial issues are all dealt with in a professional and supportive manner. As case managers, we at HomeCare Australia know that we cannot create an excellent care environment without the right principles and goals. And so, in addition to adopting these best practices from the UK, our guiding principles have always been providing care that meets the exact needs of each individual and their families. This we do on the basis of each person’s health and age and the overall goal to remain independent. We also ensure that loved ones and other care partners are well guided and work together in achieving our clients’ goals and objectives.