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Dealing With Depression And Anxiety In Clients

Writer's picture: Gaynor LowndesGaynor Lowndes

There’s no beating about the bush – life can be tough. For those without the right support, dealing with the everyday challenges of life can easily lead to depression. Unfortunately, our society does not pay as much attention to depression as it should. We expect people to just “get over it!” But if there’s anything that over many years of working with people has thought

us here at HomeCare Australia, it is that people don’t just get over depression. They need the right care, support and a confluence of other factors to come together to help them get past the dark times and enjoy life again. We have put together a brief guide to help you understand and better deal with depression, either in yourself or a loved one. 

First of all, if you think you might be suffering from depression, go for a thorough medical check‑up to pin point or rule out the existence of physical conditions that may cause depression. People with cancer, arthritis, diabetes and heart problems have a high likelihood of developing anxiety and depression. Women may also suffer from depression after pregnancy. This is referred to as post-partum depression.  In the absence of any physical ailment, you should also consider stress.  Stress can cause and/or exacerbate depression, therefore it is important to tame it. Ways to manage stress include:

- Learning to understand and identify the source of stress

- Knowing your limits to ensure the responsibilities you take do not overstretch you

- Opening up and confiding your worries in a trusted friend, counsellor or minister. A problem shared is half solved.

Whether or not stress is the cause of depression, bear the following in mind and try as much as possible to incorporate them into your life:

Interacting with others brings fulfillment and improves mental health. Avoid living a life of solitude. Yes, people can be a pain, but as humans, we are created and wired to be social beings. Human company enriches us. So get involved in charitable, religious and social activities where you can interact with other people.

Find one or more hobbies and derive maximum pleasure from them. Set aside time each week for activities that give you pleasure. This could be painting, gardening, attending a concert, sports, etc. Having a hobby eases stress, makes you feel better and distracts your

mind from problems. Laughter works like medicine too, and if there is a reason to laugh do so without any inhibition.

Exercise. Physical activity plays a big role in alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety. It triggers the production of endorphins, which are the body’s natural anti‑depressants and pain relievers. The kind of exercise you engage in must be brisk enough to get the heart pumping. This enhances blood circulation. Exercise may be jogging, a long walk of 20 to 30 minutes, swimming or any other sports you enjoy.

Get sufficient sleep. An adult body needs 7 to 8 hours of good sleep each night for it to recuperate and for the mind to rest. Sleep enables the brain to process issues and come up with solutions. To get maximum rest from sleep, establish a routine and go to bed at the same time every night. Avoid heavy meals before bed. Eating late suppers forces digestion to continue during sleep when your body should be resting.

Eating a balanced diet ensures the body is well nourished and enables the mind to be at peak condition. Reduce sugar intake and avoid caffeine if possible. Cutting out alcohol, nicotine and drugs also helps greatly.

​Get sunlight. Sunlight enables the body to produce vitamin D, which nourishes and energizes the body and enables it to keep depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and many other physical ailments at bay. An exposure to sunlight of 1 to 2 hours daily is recommended.

At HomeCare Australia, we are committed to the physical, mental and emotional well‑being of our clients. If you or a loved are suffering from depression, please talk to your caregiver. We will do our utmost to help, and working together, sunny days will soon be here again.  



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